Orlando Newborn Photographer

Remember when he slept in the same bassinet that his dad, and grandpa, and great grandpa slept in? Remember when you brought her home to that stunning nursery that you spent months creating, just for her? Remember when he fit so perfectly in dad’s strong arms, or when she slept so peacefully and milk-drunk on your chest after a long feeding? Remember when he stretched his skinny little newborn legs and his flaky toes began to curl? Remember when big brother used to look over baby’s crib, and just admire his new best friend?
You want to remember the details, and that’s what my lifestyle newborn sessions are all about — freezing time. Capturing all of those little details that matter. Because I’ve been there too and I know all too well that he soon won’t be able to sleep in that bassinet. And the nursery will be a mess in a few weeks. And his legs will become chunky. And before you know it, she will be on the move and no longer willing to rest in your arms. And the kids will soon fight.