Thank Goodness for Little Girls (and Good Coffee)


They always say the grass is greener on the other side, right? The moment I had my sweet Madison, I longed to be a stay at home mom. I wanted to be present and raise my kids – not a teacher at daycare (although I must add that we had the BEST teachers EVER at our amazing school). Kenzie came along and the urge to spend more time with my girls grew even stronger.  I finally got what I’ve been dreaming of and I have to say, holy heck this is harder than I thought! Seriously, dude. Working in the corporate world was sort of a breeze compared to some of the days I’ve had. 


With that being said I wouldn’t trade a freaking thing. Yes, some moments I want to pull my hair out, lock myself in a closet and scream. I may or may not watch the clock counting down until the moment daddy is expected to walk in the door so I can shower (or brush my teeth).  But I’m making (and documenting) so many memories – and I’m so thankful for my hard-working hubby for giving our family this super amazing opportunity. 


So how is Costa Rica? Well, we still don’t have a car (everything was closed last week) so I’ve been stuck in the house/neighborhood all week again. It isn’t so bad though and we have a nice little routine and are keeping busy. I don’t know how I got so lucky but three times this week the girls played nicely for 30-45 minutes while I exercised on my spin bike in their playroom.  That “me time” of intense sweating sure does help me keep my cool during the days. Speaking of keeping cool, our pool is amazing, and we go daily (sometimes twice a day). Kenzie already has little tan lines in her chubby arm rolls. To. Die. For. 


What do I miss? For starters, a bath tub! Our place doesn’t have a tub, and my kids are NOT fans of the shower. No joke, we’ve been bathing them in this inflatable rubber ducky every. single. night. You see how big Kenzie looks in it in these images, imagine Maddie in there. It’s quite funny and, OK, sort of cute. But this needs to stop.



One AWESOME thing that happened last night is that we sold our appliances. What, you say? Well, when we started our house hunt, every single home we looked at did not come with appliances so we purchased a whole set in the U.S. and had them shipped here. Turns out, the one place we rented came with appliances. Of course, we stored them in our living room and we FINALLY got rid of them. Hallelujah! They were totally ruining some awesome images on the dining room table (see below, before I edited them out). 


This place has some awesome light. Every room has such beautiful photo potential. The playroom is by far my fav, but the girls’ rooms have great light too. The awesome light has really made my 366 a breeze so far. Here are a few of the images I took, including some that didn’t make the cut but I still love!


Two of my photography-related goals are 1) to get in the frame and 2) to improve my macro skills. I tackled both of these goals this week. Lots of room for improvement, for sure, but we all start somewhere! 


Wow, I’m really rambling and I doubt anyone is here for my phenomenal writing skills, so I just have one more story (and I’ll keep it short). We have a wedding to go to next week, and apparently we need an exit permit to leave the country. We had an appointment this morning and we found out we needed a passport photo for the kids. Whoops. So, I’ve added passport photos to my resume as well. Here is my B&W version of the girls’ mug shots. I’ll leave you with these gems! Bye for now!
